Saturday, 5 April 2014

Chapter 4 - part 4 - The processes

Since the early version 7.4, when the only process running the cluster were the old loved postmaster, PostgreSQL has enriched with new dedicated processes, becoming more complex but even more efficient. With a running cluster there are at least six postgres processes, the one without colon in the process name is is the main database's process, started as seen in the section 4.2.

postgres: checkpointer process

As the name suggest this process take care of the cluster's checkpoint. The checkpoint is an important event in the database activity. When a checkpoint starts all the dirty pages in memory are written to the data files. The checkpoint by the time and the number of cluster's WAL switches. To adjust the checkpoin's frequency the GUC parameters checkpoint_timeout and checkpoint_segments are used. A third parameter, checkpoint_completion_target is used to spread the checkpoint over a percentage of the checkpoint_timeout, in order to avoid a massive disk IO spike.

postgres: writer process

To ease down the checkpoint activity the background writer scans the shared buffer for dirty pages to write down to the disk. The process is designed to have a minimal impact on the database activity. It's possible to tune the rounds length and delay using the GUC parameters bgwriter_delay, time between two rounds, and bgwriter_lru_maxpages, the number of buffers after the writer's sleep.

postgres: wal writer process

This background process has been introduced recently to have a more efficient wal writing. The process works in rounds were write down the wal buffers to the wal files. The GUC parameter wal_writer_delay sets the milliseconds to sleep between the rounds.

postgres: autovacuum launcher process

This process is present if the GUC parameter autovacuum is set to on. It's scope is to launch the autovacuum backends at need. Anyway autovacuum can run even if autovacuum is turned of, when there's risk of the XID wraparound failure.

postgres: stats collector process

The process gathers the database's usage statistics for human usage and stores the informations into the location indicated by the GUC stats_temp_directory, by default pg_stat_temp. Those statistics are useful to understand how the database is performing, from pyshical and logical point of view.

postgres: postgres postgres [local] idle

This kind of process is the database backend, one for each established connection. The values after the colon square brackets show useful informations like the connected database, the username, the host and the executing query. The same informations are stored into the pg_stat_activity table.

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