Named identifiers
Writing and debugging the SQL is not simple and a little bit of clarity becomes a massive help. Adding a prefix to the identifiers gives to the SQL developer a great knowledge about the database schema.This naming convention makes clear the difference between tables which are physical entities, and the views which are names for saved SQL statement.
Adopting a similar approach for the column names makes the data type immediately recognisable.
Both naming schemas prevent the risk of having reserved keywords used for the identifier's name.
The drawback is if the object type changes. For example if a table becomes a view the name should reflect the change. In an ideal world this shouldn't happen. In the real life building a solid schema design reduces greatly this kind of issues. However, changing the data type, in particular if dealing with big tables, is more complicated than renaming a field and, after all is a DBA problem.
The editor
Unlikely many commercial RDBMS PostgreSQL, ships only with the command line client psql. There is a good quantity of third party clients with good support for the database features and a good connectivity layer. An exhaustive list of those clients can be found on the PostgreSQL wiki Is difficult to say which editor is the best. When I started learning PostgreSQL the only tool available was PgAdmin 2 and phpPgAdmin. I decided for the former and then I switched to the newer PgAdmin 3 which added a powerful editor and multi platform support. In the years I tested some of the other clients like TOra, SQL workbench and SQL Maestro and I never found the same confidence and ease of usage like PgAdmin 3. Whether is the tool of your choice this should have the following features.